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What is shared ownership?

If you meet the participating bank's lending requirements, you can contribute a minimum of 5% of the purchase price and you need assistance, we can help you through shared ownership.

What is Shared Ownership?

Shared ownership is where Central Pacific Collective will contribute towards the initial purchase price of your home (up to 40%) and own the corresponding share of the home to start with, which you agree to buy out overtime.

The bank will let you know the loan amount you can borrow. You will need to provide us with your pre-approval letter so we can determine what our contribution needs to be towards the purchase.

For example

If you have 10% of the purchase price and form the bank you can borrow 75%, Central Pacific Collective will then contribute 15% to purchase the home with you in return for a 15% share of ownership in the home.

How does it work?

You will enter into a shared ownership agreement with Central Pacific Collective. You agree to use your best efforts to buy out Central Pacific Collective within the first 15 years of ownership. The value of the share owned by Central Pacific Collective is determined by CPC.

With shared ownership, you will still be entirely responsible for your home loan and all costs of your home (such as maintenance, insurance, rates etc.)

Shared Ownership Agreement

The Shared Ownership Agreement is the agreement you sign with CPC Asset Holdings Limited (the sister company that administers the shared ownership scheme). The goal is for you to eventually purchase the full share (within 15 years) while occupying the home as a co-owner until purchasing the full share is achieved. The Shared Ownership Agreement sets out terms and conditions for co-ownership.

  • Shared Ownership Agreement (Final Version)
  • Household Shared Ownership Term Sheet